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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1654-1660.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Heroes of everyday life, sinners and sheriffs. Figurative nominations of a person as a means of implementing a manipulative nominative strategy in media discourse (based on the material of the German language 2020-2023)

Nefedova Lyubov Arkadyevna
Moscow Pedagogical State University

Submitted: 12.04.2024
Abstract. The aim of this research is to identify in the German media of Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland 2020-2023 figuratively nominations as a means of implementing a manipulative nominative strategy. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time it examines the issues of connotative figurative designation of current realities in German-speaking countries, which serve as a means of implementing a manipulative nominative strategy in media discourse. The results obtained showed that connotative figurative names, regularly reproduced in acts of communication, play a special role in the modern nomination process of the German language. Figurative names are secondary indirect nominations, naming an object that has already been named before with a new name, and new nominations created as a result of word formation. The main object named in the figurative representation of information about the world is a person. It is noted that the figurative coding of the meaning of words in modern German is characterized by linguocultural features, which are primarily associated with the order and rules of conduct in force during the epidemiological and ecological crisis in German-speaking countries.
Key words and phrases: образная номинация, образное кодирование значения, манипулятивная номинативная стратегия, немецкий язык средств массовой информации, figurative nomination, figurative coding of meaning, manipulative nominative strategy, German language of the media
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