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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 5. P. 1503-1507.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Issues of national literary development studies and its conceptual and terminological apparatus

Myshkina Albina Fedorovna, Emelyanova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Savirova Marina Petrovna
I. N. Ulianov Chuvash State University

Submitted: 03.04.2024
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to actualize the problem of formation of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the Chuvash literary criticism in the national language. Since its inception (the late 1920s) Chuvash literary criticism has relied on advanced ideas, discoveries and concepts of Russian literary criticism. Chuvash researchers (except for P. N. Metin, A. I. Mefodiev - the authors of the "School Dictionary of Terms of Literary Criticism and Folkloristics") were not concerned with the systematization of their own concepts, which reflect the national characteristics of Chuvash literature. Today, the practice of using Russian-language terms in Chuvash literary criticism has been fixed even in cases when there are synonyms for them in the Chuvash language. The scientific novelty of the research is that it analyzes for the first time the basic methods of term formation in Chuvash literary criticism. Actualization of this issue in the Chuvash scientific community should contribute to the development of Chuvash literary criticism (more broadly - the entire philological science) in the field of national aesthetics. The results obtained showed that in Chuvash literary criticism the conceptual and terminological apparatus in the Chuvash language has not been fully formed, it is dominated by Russian-language terms that do not obey either phonetic or orthographic laws of the Chuvash language.
Key words and phrases: литературоведческий термин, чувашское литературоведение, чувашская национальная эстетика, чувашская литературоведческая терминология, заимствование русскоязычных терминов, literary criticism term, Chuvash literary criticism, Chuvash national aesthetics, Chuvash literary criticism terminology, borrowing of Russian-language terms
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