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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4. P. 1050-1055.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Dependence of the cognitive attributes of the HEART concept in the language consciousness of a person on their professional employment (by the example of cardiologists)

Kameneva Veronika Aleksandrovna, Startseva Tatyana Valerievna, Potapova Natalya Vadimovna
Kemerovo State University

Submitted: 20.02.2024
Abstract. The paper deals with the cognitive attributes of the HEART concept reflected in the language consciousness of the workers of a certain field, namely cardiology. The correlation of the cognitive attributes with the object of cardiologists’ labour activity depending on their perception and evaluation of their main labour functions is determined. The object of this research is the associative fields of the HEART concept, generated on the basis of data from two directional associative experiments with restrictions of words-stimuli in terms of their quantity and parts of speech. The aim of the research is to reveal the presence/absence of dependence of the cognitive attributes of the HEART concept in the language consciousness of cardiologists on their professional employment. The general population included 400 associations. The research findings showed that not only the conceptual attributes of the HEART concept correlate with the professional activity of cardiologists, but also figurative and value attributes show reference to the heart as the main object of their labour activity. The novelty of the work lies in the confirmation of the hypothesis about the dependence of the cognitive attributes of a concept representing the main object of labour activity in the language consciousness of a person on their professional employment. In addition, the HEART concept in the language consciousness of cardiologists has been considered for the first time.
Key words and phrases: концепт СЕРДЦЕ, языковое сознание кардиологов, ассоциативное поле концепта СЕРДЦЕ, предметно-понятийные ассоциации, образные ассоциации, ценностные ассоциации, HEART concept, language consciousness of cardiologists, associative field of the HEART concept, subject-object associations, figurative associations, value associations
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