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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4. P. 1032-1037.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Semantic-syntactic properties of the deverbal relative ‘исходя из’ (‘based on’)

Zarubina Elena Sergeevna
Far Eastern Federal University

Submitted: 02.02.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the degree of grammaticalization of the deverbal relative ‘исходя из’ (‘based on’). The paper examines the lexical meaning of the relative and the presence of the functional meaning in dictionaries and works dedicated to prepositional units. The paper explores the meaning of the construction with ‘исходя из’, the semantics of the right (dependent) and left (main) components of the construction and outlines features indicative of the transition of this unit into a prepositional one. The study is novel in that it is the first to describe the semantic and syntactic functioning and to determine the degree of grammaticalization of the deverbal relative ‘исходя из’, which is a language unit that does not belong to the core of the preposition category. As a result, the study finds that the semantics of the deverbal relative, the meaning of the construction that expresses cause-effect relationships of phenomena reflecting various aspects of intellectual activities (denoted by verbs) and phenomena subject to interpretation (denoted by nouns), as well as the broadening of usage contexts are indicative of the grammaticalization of the examined unit.
Key words and phrases: отглагольный релятив, производный предлог, грамматикализация, признаки грамматикализации, служебные слова, deverbal relative, derivative preposition, grammaticalization, features indicative of grammaticalization, function words
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