The text-forming potential of discourse markers in scientific communication
Danilevskaya Varvara Andreevna
Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping
Submitted: 15.02.2024
Abstract. The paper analyzes regulatives, discursives, and accentuators as speech units (discourse markers) that are directly involved in text formation. The aim of the study is to substantiate the text-forming function of discourse markers as auxiliary to expanded variative repetitions that underly the text-forming mechanism in scientific speech. The paper discusses the status of discourse markers and their role in the process of presenting new scientific knowledge; the role of expanded variative repetitions as a mechanism for text expansion; the correlation between expanded variative repetitions and discourse markers as units involved in text expansion; and describes the functions of discourse markers. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that it is the first to demonstrate the auxiliary role of discourse markers in relation to expanded variative repetitions in the process of expressing new scientific knowledge; to substantiate the text-forming role of discursives in the cognitive process. The results of the study show that discourse markers participate in the construction of an utterance as elements of its semantic organization, thus actualizing the necessary intonational and modal information from the author’s point of view, i.e., they contribute to a more accurate expression of the author’s scientific intention and, therefore, to a more accurate understanding of the content of the text and new scientific knowledge in general by the addressee.
Key words and phrases: научный текст, динамика текстообразования, развернутый вариативный повтор, дискурсивный маркер, диалогичность научного текста, scientific text, dynamics of text formation, expanded variative repetition, discourse marker, dialogicity of scientific text
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