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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4. P. 1230-1236.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Semantics and pragmatics of expressions with the component ‘белое пальто’ (fig. ‘superior attitude’) based on internet publications

Bashkirtseva Oksana Aleksandrovna, Dedkovskaya Dar'ya Mikhailovna
Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Submitted: 12.03.2024
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the semantic and pragmatic features of expressions containing the component ‘белое пальто’ (fig. ‘superior attitude’). The paper describes the elements of meaning of the examined expression and thoroughly explores the pragmatics of the sign, including information about the attitude of the person using the expression towards the denoted object and the prevailing assessment of the corresponding reality within the linguistic community. An attempt is made to determine the linguistic status of this unit and identify the type of a fixed phrase from the perspective of semantic inseparability of components and their constancy. The scientific novelty of the work lies in obtaining the semantic and pragmatic characteristics of a little-studied expression widely used in contemporary communication. The researchers base the analysis of expressions containing the component ‘белое пальто’ on live speech in written communication (blogs, internet publications, etc.). The examination of fixed phrases with the component ‘белое пальто’ has led to conclusions about a new phenomenon in contemporary speech practice. As a result of the research, it is found that expressions with the component ‘белое пальто’ are used to express negative evaluation towards the interlocutor who demonstrates their superiority through advice and narratives about their exclusively positive personal experience. The use of this expression is driven by a new phenomenon in the evolving blogosphere that can be labeled as a ‘toxic commentator’. The variability of components in phrases including ‘белое пальто’, the frequency of usage, and the addition of new meanings compared to the primary source pose difficulties in determining the linguistic status of these units.
Key words and phrases: семантика неофразеологизма, прагматика неофразеологизма, блог-дискурс, речевые маркеры токсичности, semantics of new phraseological units, pragmatics of new phraseological units, blog discourse, markers of toxicity in speech
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