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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4. P. 1192-1198.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Linguistic means of creating a negative image of fossil energy sources in the modern German media discourse

Varlakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Goncharova Maria Vyacheslavovna, Spiridonova Valentina Aleksandrovna
Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University

Submitted: 01.03.2024
Abstract. The paper presents the results of a linguistic study of persuasive techniques based on German online media outlets publishing articles on the topics of energy, raw materials policy and economics. The aim of the study is to identify a persuasive strategy using which a negative image of fossil hydrocarbons is created in the modern German-language media discourse. The scientific novelty of the work lies in finding the main persuasive techniques that allow influencing public opinion on issues related to the extraction and use of fossil energy in the texts of the media discourse on raw materials. As a result of the study, the main persuasive techniques have been identified, which include the use of negatively charged epithets and metaphors based mainly on motivational components from the semantic fields “Wars”, “Catastrophes”, “Gambling”, as well as the employment of negatively charged precedent phenomena. In addition, the mechanism of the persuasive effect of these techniques has been investigated.
Key words and phrases: медиадискурс, персуазивные техники, мотивационный компонент метафоры, эпитет, прецедентное имя, media discourse, persuasive techniques, motivational component of the metaphor, epithet, precedent name
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