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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 4. P. 1123-1127.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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ANSTÄNDIGKEIT (DECENCY) in German linguoculture

Khlopova Anna Igorevna
Moscow State Linguistic University

Submitted: 01.03.2024
Abstract. The research aims to determine the psychologically relevant content of the value ANSTÄNDIGKEIT (DECENCY) in German linguoculture. The complexity in defining the content of this value primarily lies in its ambivalence. The research is novel in that it identifies factors indicating the transformation of the value and develops a methodology for determining the transformation of the value. The data obtained from lexicographical sources and an associative experiment are verified using the method of subjective scaling, ranking, and clarifying survey. As a result, it has been proven that the surveyed respondents do not perceive ANSTÄNDIGKEIT (DECENCY) as a value that should determine their behavior in society. Respondents equate decency with politeness and good behavior but do not associate the studied value with refraining from low acts and with honesty. The results indicate the lack of formation of the ANSTÄNDIGKEIT (DECENCY) value for the surveyed respondents.
Key words and phrases: порядочность, ценность, немецкая лингвокультура, ассоциативное поле, стимул, реакция, decency, value, German linguoculture, associative field, stimulus, response
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