Denotative and significative meanings of deverbal syntactic derivatives
Dolzhenko Nataliia Grigorievna
Ugra State University
Submitted: 07.02.2024
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the specifics of functioning in sentences of deverbal syntactic derivatives, particularly to the expression of their denotative and significative meanings, as well as the peculiarities of their identifying and predicative functions. The aim of the work is to reveal the non-standard nature of these lexemes in terms of their semantics, categorial value, as well as their functioning within more complex constructions. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the first examination of deverbal nominal derivatives from the perspective of expressing their denotative and significative aspects of meaning. The research reveals the combination of these meanings when deverbal syntactic derivatives function within a sentence, and consequently, for the first time, it is determined that in a larger syntactic unit, these lexemes and their combinations realize both identifying and predicative functions. The study uncovers that deverbal derivatives – nouns with abstract semantics, serving as a syncretic unit at the intersection of verbal and nominal lexicons – have the ability to combine real denotative and potential significative meanings, thus combining real identifying and potential predicative functions.
Key words and phrases: лексема, трансформация, отглагольный синтаксический дериват, денотативное значение, сигнификативное значение, lexeme, transformation, verbal syntactic derivative, denotative meaning, significative meaning
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