E. Dmitrieva. “The second volume of ‘Dead Souls’: Intentions and speculations”. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023. 464 p.: Book review
Skibin Sergey Mikhailovich
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 22.01.2024
Abstract. The reviewed book by E. E. Dmitrieva explores the history of the second volume of Nikolai Gogol's “Dead Souls”. The author, relying on archival, memoir sources, and correspondence, reconstructs various aspects of this history from its creation to its burning. E. E. Dmitrieva tells about mystifications, stylizations, and critics’ attitudes towards this part of the poem. The book concludes the reflection on the second volume of “Dead Souls” in Russian culture over almost two centuries.
Key words and phrases: Е. Е. Дмитриева, Н. В. Гоголь, второй том «Мертвых душ», рукописи, мистификации, E. E. Dmitrieva, N. V. Gogol, second volume of “Dead Souls”, manuscripts, mystification
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