Syntactic means of expressiveness (based on the titles of Udmurt journalistic texts)
Kondrateva Natalia Vladimirovna, Chernysheva Larisa Mikhailovna
Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Udmurt State University
Submitted: 29.12.2023
Abstract. The study aims to describe the features of the structural-semantic organization of the titles of journalistic texts in Udmurt within the framework of expressive syntax. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the expressive-evaluative potential of the title as a structural element of mass media texts; in determining syntactic redundancy and syntactic insufficiency in the lexico-grammatical structures of the Udmurt language. The results suggest that syntactic heterogeneity is peculiar to the titles of journalistic texts in Udmurt. Based on the analysis of the title structure of the “Udmurt dunne” newspaper for 2020-2023, it was found that the authors of the articles prefer such stylistic devices as inversion, elliptical sentences, rhetorical exclamations, which are primarily used to express the emotive, attractive and appellative functions. Various kinds of repetitions, gradation, parcelling and polysyndeton are characterized by low frequency, accounted for by the internal specifics of the newspaper title, which tends to brevity of expression. The use of various means and devices in the titles of journalistic texts makes it possible to perform the influencing, expressive, attractive, appellative, narrative functions of a newspaper text.
Key words and phrases: удмуртский язык, заголовок, экспрессивные средства синтаксиса, публицистические тексты, Udmurt language, title, expressive means of syntax, journalistic texts
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