English imperative sentences in the functional-communicative and the translatological aspect
Brykina Svetlana Viktorovna, Sudovchikhina Luidmila Alexandrovna
Penza State University
Submitted: 09.01.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the features of translating English imperative sentences into Russian in a literary text, taking into account their functional-communicative types. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the dependence of translatological tools on the subtype of the imperative sentence, identifying the main and secondary ways of translating English imperative sentences from the perspective of different functional-communicative subtypes. As a result of the study, it was found that word-for-word translation dominates in the most numerous group of imperative sentences of the cardinal type. The tendency of employing word-for-word translation is also revealed when rendering the imperative means in one of the groups of intermediate communicative types of sentences, namely in the group of imperative-interrogative sentences. It was determined that transformational translation prevails in the rendering of English declarative-imperative, interrogative-imperative and imperative-declarative sentences into Russian, with such translation techniques as substitution, modulation, and antonymic translation being the most frequent.
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