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SOURCE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2024. № 10. P. 3487-3497.
SCIENTIFIC AREA:    Philological Sciences
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Soviet slogan as a format and a speech genre

Usacheva Olga Jurjevna
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Lipetsk branch

Submitted: 10.08.2024
Abstract. The article addresses the issue of systematic study of speech genres in the Russian language. The work is dedicated to the phenomenon of such a widespread speech genre of the Soviet era as the slogan. The study investigates the origin of the Soviet slogan as a primary speech genre in Russian linguoculture. The format and genre-forming characteristics of the Soviet slogan are explored, and similarities and differences between the genre of the slogan and such speech phenomena as the motto, poster inscription, call to action, and tagline are outlined. The aim of the research is to establish correlations between the genre and format characteristics of the Soviet slogan. The article demonstrates that the genre of the Soviet slogan had a set of typical formats for its functioning. In the case of using the same formats by different speech genres, the differentiating feature is the function of the text. The scientific novelty lies in introducing such a discourse characteristic as format into the analysis of speech genres, which opens up additional opportunities for systematic study of speech genres, as well as for comparative study of similar speech phenomena (especially slogans and taglines). As a result, the author concludes that the specificity of the speech genre of the Soviet slogan is due, among other things, to discourse conditions such as format, as well as the communicative function of the text.
Key words and phrases: речевой жанр советского лозунга, политико-идеологический дискурс, системное изучение речевых жанров, форматные характеристики советского лозунга, speech genre of the Soviet slogan, political-ideological discourse, systematic study of speech genres, format characteristics of the Soviet slogan
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