Classification of expressive means of syntax in Udmurt journalism
Chernysheva Larisa Mikhailovna
Udmurt State University
Submitted: 01.09.2024
Abstract. The aim of the study is to classify the figures of expressive syntax represented in modern Udmurt journalism based on the functional load of the figures in the text. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, based on the analysis of journalistic articles published in the republican newspaper ‘Udmurt Dunne’ for 2020-2023, it is proposed for the first time to identify four main groups of figures of expressive syntax in the Udmurt language: figures of displacement, reduction, addition and rhetorical figures. As a result, the first group includes stylistic means based on changing the structure of the sentence (inversion, insertion constructions, parcellation). Figures of reduction are characterized by the desire to reduce lexical units in the text (asyndeton, elliptical sentences, aposiopesis). The third group is formed by addition figures based on the principle of repetition (syntactic parallelism, polysyndeton, anaphora, epiphora, gradation). Rhetorical figures include a rhetorical question, a rhetorical address, and a rhetorical exclamation. Each of these groups serves to create a certain stylistic effect, which, in turn, makes it possible to perform the functions of a journalistic text most productively.
Key words and phrases: современная удмуртская публицистика, стилистические фигуры, классификация фигур экспрессивного синтаксиса, стилистические фигуры повтора, стилистические фигуры убавления, стилистические фигуры перемещения, риторические стилистические фигуры, modern Udmurt journalism, stylistic figures, classification of figures of expressive syntax, stylistic figures of repetition, stylistic figures of reduction, stylistic figures of displacement, rhetorical stylistic figures
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