Linguistic expression of gender status in German: Pros and cons
Belova Valentina Fedorovna, Lebedenko Galina Aleksandrovna, Shavkun Natalia Sergeevna
Pyatigorsk State University
Submitted: 21.11.2023
Abstract. The study aims to determine the influence of modern social processes in the ethnic society of German-speaking countries on the linguistic component of gender expression in the German language. The paper analyzes the current means of gender identity expression in the German language, emphasizes the role of including the gender parameter in linguistic research. The scientific novelty of the work lies in systematizing modern trends in gender expression, determining the role of language for expressing gender identity, roles and expectations in the German ethnic society. As a result of the study, two main strategies for combating androcentrism in the German language are identified: the replacement of gender-specific linguistic units with gender-neutral ones and the equal use of lexical units of the feminine and the masculine grammatical gender in speech. The analysis of the public reaction to modern innovations in the expression of gender status in language is carried out.
Key words and phrases: гендерный статус, андроцентризм, немецкий язык, гендерно-маркированные единицы, гендерно-нейтральные единицы, gender status, androcentrism, German language, gender-specific units, gender-neutral units
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