Linguoculturemes, intercultural transfer and transcultural modeling (based on the Russian and French languages)
Sedykh Arkadiy Petrovich, Akimova Elvira Nikolajevna, Bezkorovaynaya Galina Tigranovna
Moscow International University; Belgorod National Research University; Belgorod State Technological University
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Plekhanov Russian Economic University
Submitted: 23.10.2023
Abstract. The study aims to identify the structural and functional features of interlanguage and intercultural transformations in the process of translation activities. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the complex construction of cognitive and communicative formats for describing linguoculturemes in line with national culture correlations, both at the level of lexemes and in the space of a complete utterance. The study is also novel in that it introduces into the active scientific use of the theory of language the terms “a cognitive-discourse projection”, “a transcultural model” and “a mental image” in order to clarify the conceptual apparatus and ensure a clearer semantic structuring of the terminological system of onomasiology, the theory of language and the theory of communication. The further development of the problems of lexicultural interpretation of the linguistic and cultural space as a semiotic whole and value represents one of the key epistemological aspects of the work. The discovery of correlations between intercultural transfer and transcultural modeling of metacultural knowledge, in other words, between linguistic and conceptual analysis of an utterance in line with the interpretative-semiological approach, is an important point of the study.
Key words and phrases: лингвокультурема, межкультурный трансфер, транскультурная модель, функциональная ономасиология, переводоведение, linguocultureme, intercultural transfer, transcultural model, functional onomasiology, translatology
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