Technology of using authentic foreign language film discourse in English language classes in professional language education
Voitkova Anastasia Nikolaevna, Goncharova Tatiana Vladimirovna
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 25.06.2023
Abstract. The study aims to substantiate the expediency of using the technology of authentic foreign language film discourse (AFLFD) in the educational process in English classes in the framework of the discipline “Practice of oral and written English speech” for third-, fourth- and fifth-year students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogical Education (training programme 44.03.05 with two educational programme specialisations). The paper systematises the content of the educational technology, structures and develops the stages of the technology for using AFLFD and the system of exercises implementing this technology. In addition, the results of the introduction of AFLFD in the educational process are presented. The novelty of the study lies in elaborating the technology for using AFLFD in teaching English to language students at a pedagogical university, which is a new educational material that promotes effective foreign language teaching. As a result of the study, the researchers have presented the conceptual basis, the resource support (the content and methodology of diagnostic activity, the description of the necessary training tools) and the procedural characteristics (the algorithm of activity) of the authors’ technology. A system of exercises for mastering foreign language lexical material using AFLFD for improving foreign language communicative competence based on the principle of assimilation of cultural values of the target language, the communicative-cognitive and intercultural approaches has been proposed.
Key words and phrases: технология использования аутентичного иноязычного кинодискурса, иностранный язык, иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция, technology of using authentic foreign language film discourse, foreign language, foreign language communicative competence
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