Linguopragmatic aspects of translating Kate DiCamillo’s stylistic dominants from English into Russian
Sessorova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Sevastopol State University
Submitted: 15.07.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the main dominants in the individual style of the modern American children’s writer Kate DiCamillo. Kate DiCamillo’s works, despite the fact that their initial target readership is represented by children of primary and secondary school age, are characterised by a deep semantic, aesthetic, didactic and pragmatic load, symbolism, stylistic charge, which is particularly difficult to translate and adapt. In this regard, the paper pays special attention to interpreting the essence of the pragmatic meaning of the features peculiar to the writer’s style, as well as the literary techniques used by her in the process of carrying out a comparative analysis of excerpts from the original works and their translations. The researcher assessed the adequacy of the translator’s application of pragmatically determined translation tactics to preserve the stylistic dominants of the author. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in the fact that it presents a comprehensive translation and linguopragmatic analysis of the key stylistic means used by Kate DiCamillo, which lays the theoretical foundations for the pragmasemantic description of the individual style of the writer of children’s fiction. As a result of the comparative analysis, it was found that Kate DiCamillo’s dominant stylistic techniques are metaphor, comparison, epithet, using which the author conveys the pragmaticon of her linguistic individuality, communicates certain motivational and pragmatic attitudes, influencing the child reader. Cultural filtering, explication and information modification were identified as the key translation strategies.
Key words and phrases: детская литература, идиостиль, стилистическая доминанта, языковая личность автора, children’s literature, individual style, stylistic dominant, linguistic personality of the author
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