Sidorova Ayta Anatolievna, Filippova Sargylana Vasilievna
North-Eastern Federal University n. a. M. K. Ammosov
Submitted: 04.07.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the semantic characteristics of the somatism “head” as a part of Chinese phraseological units. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the work considers the somatism “head” as a cultural code that not only represents the essential characteristics and qualities of a person, but is also a historically conditioned, culture-specific element of the semiotic system of native Chinese speakers. The paper presents a contextual and semantic analysis of Chinese phraseological units selected by the continuous sampling method; identifies the key semantic groups (macro-fields) that determine the functional features of the head attributed to it in Chinese linguoculture due to a metaphorical and metonymic reinterpretation. It is determined that through the body code “head”, the evaluative description of a person is actualised, value parameters and reference points of Chinese culture are conveyed. As a result, the following is revealed: the semantics of the phraseological units with the somatic component “head” reflects the national and cultural specifics of the phraseological worldview of the Chinese; the head is the locus of emotions, mind, character of a person; the head represents ideas about a person’s appearance, longevity, integrity, leadership (victory).
Key words and phrases: соматизм, соматический код, китайский язык, языковая картина мира, фразеологизм, somatism, somatic code, Chinese language, linguistic worldview, phraseological unit
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