Butorina Elena Petrovna
Russian State University for the Humanities
Submitted: 02.07.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the features of formation and use of feminitives denoting a profession or position in new media. The paper compares the feminitives often used in new media and the means of their formation with the units of the official naming of positions and professions of women in the legal field recorded in a classifier. The scientific novelty of the work consists in clarifying the boundaries of the implementation of the formality category in the new conditions of communication using the example of the lexico-semantic group of feminitives. As a result, it has been found that there are practically no intersections between the set of units from the list of officially recommended feminitives – the language facts used to denote positions and titles – with the set of the most frequent units used in new media. Even in the few cases of a simultaneous entry of units into the list of official names of positions and professions, on the one hand, and into the list of frequently occurring nominations in the usage of new media, on the other hand, such lexemes, as a rule, coincide only in form – their meanings often diverge. Various ways of formation of feminitives in the official classifier and the usage of new media are also noted.
Key words and phrases: феминитивы, русский язык, новые медиа, официальный дискурс, деловой дискурс, feminitives, Russian language, new media, formal discourse, business discourse
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