Language implementation of persuasiveness in political discourse (by the example of parliamentary debates in the German Bundestag)
Printsipalova Olga Vyatscheslavovna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)
Submitted: 23.06.2023
Abstract. Within the framework of political discourse, language acts as one of the tools of the struggle for power and its functioning is possible due to the implementation of certain strategies and tactics. The aim of the study is to identify and describe the communication tools used by politicians in parliamentary communication to manipulate the consciousness of recipients and to implement image-supporting or image-breaking intentions. The study is novel in that it is the first to consider the tactics of persuasion as a way of modelling the image of parties in two directions, namely, the focusing of the positive aspects of the image of one’s own party and the shortcomings of the opponent’s party or the defocusing of one’s own image shortcomings and the advantages of the competitor. As a result of the study, it was possible to identify a set of linguistic means (grammatical, lexical and stylistic) that serve to implement persuasiveness in institutional debates in order to focus and defocus advantages and disadvantages as basic cognitive operations to maintain and disrupt the image of politicians and the political parties they represent.
Key words and phrases: политический дискурс, коммуникативные инструменты, политическая коммуникация, тактика персуазивности, моделирование имиджа партии, political discourse, communication tools, political communication, tactics of persuasion, modelling party image
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