Nikolaev S. L. ‘The Tale of Igor’s Campaign’: Reconstruction of the poetic text. Moscow – St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2020. 640 p.: Book review
Izotov Andrey Ivanovich
Lomonosov Moscow State University; Moscow Pedagogical State University
Submitted: 14.05.2023
Abstract. The book under review proposes a reconstruction of the text of ‘The Tale of Igor’s Campaign’ based on the hypothesis of optional vocalization of weak reduced vowels, preceded by an analysis of lexical, morphological and phonetic dialectisms, accentuation system and dialect attribution of the proto-text. The metric system of the literary monument is defined as an imparisyllabic accentual-syllabic verse, where each line has an individual meter, while the poetic text is “stitched together” with a “ladder-like” rhyme between adjacent lines.
Key words and phrases: Слово о полку Игореве, реконструкция, диалектная локализация, The Tale of Igor’s Campaign, reconstruction, dialect attribution
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