Abstractness and concreteness of the meaning of a word as a lexico-semantic category
Gutarova Aleksandra Viktorovna
Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)
Submitted: 07.05.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the abstractness and concreteness of a word at the lexico-semantic level (involving the material of the German language). The paper sheds light on the notions of the abstractness and concreteness of the meaning of a word, which will make it possible to see a lexico-semantic category in these phenomena. The scientific novelty lies in establishing a category derived not only from the nominative function of words, but also from the properties of the lexico-semantic level of the language system and manifested in the properties of the meanings of words. The main characteristics of the meanings of words depend on whether a verb is the head in the paradigm and also on the order of the paradigm or if it is a verb member of the paradigm and in this case, the order does not matter. In the process of examining the system of verbal meanings of the modern German language, the hierarchy and structure of lexico-semantic verbal paradigms were revealed. As a result, it was proved that the criteria for determining the abstractness or concreteness of the meaning are the abstraction of paradigmatic and syntagmatic properties of some verbs, the abstractness of verbs expressed in the extensive nature of their syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations in the language system and the definiteness of the same properties in specific verbs with clear paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations.
Key words and phrases: абстрактность, конкретность, лексико-семантический уровень, денотативно-сигнификативные признаки, abstractness, abstractness, concreteness, lexico-semantic level, denotative-significative features
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