The communicative category of reliability in the oral popular science discourse
Mochalova Daria Anatolyevna, Evtushenko Tatiana Gennadievna
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Submitted: 10.05.2023
Abstract. The paper examines the peculiarities of the implementation of the communicative category of reliability in the oral popular science discourse on the Internet. The communicative category of reliability is studied using the material of lectures posted on the PostNauka educational platform. The features of the video lectures of the PostNauka project are determined, which indicate the need to consider the Russian-language online lecture as a separate genre of popular science discourse. The results of analysing the material under study are described: the markers of problematic reliability used by lecturers to attract the attention of the audience and increase the involvement of the listener in communication are highlighted, in particular, the specifics of the use of lexical means in lecture materials in Russian are examined. The aim of the research is to describe the specifics of the reliability category expression in the text of a popular science video lecture on history. The scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the means of the reliability category expression in the oral popular science humanities discourse taking into account the lecturer’s choice of the optimal ways of constructing meanings when conveying information to listeners. As a result, it has been found that the transfer of scientific knowledge to a wide audience is characterised by the presence of problematic reliability markers. Such linguistic means include parenthetical words, indefinite pronouns, adjectives and adverbs with evaluative meanings, semantically empty lexemes, as well as lexemes requiring the communicants to have common presuppositions within the same linguistic culture.
Key words and phrases: категория достоверности, научно-популярный дискурс, видеолекция, category of reliability, popular science discourse, video lecture
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