Varieties of a German joke about women as a media text
Ukhova Anna Sergeyevna
Ivanovo State University
Submitted: 11.04.2023
Abstract. The paper deals with the study and description of various types of German jokes about women on the Internet. An attempt is made to outline the place of this genre in discursive linguistics, as well as to define humorous media discourse. The research aims to provide a classification of jokes about women found in the German-language Internet space. The scientific novelty lies in taking a new approach to the definition of media space jokes as a part of humorous media discourse, as well as in systematizing jokes about women taking into account the way they are communicated on the Internet. As a result, based on the practical material (more than 500 plots featuring women), two main groups have been identified: jokes-borrowings that have found their way to the Internet from other spheres of communication and media jokes. It has been revealed that the humorous plots belonging to the first group prevail on the Internet (70% of the practical material), these are represented by either an independent text on Internet sites or by an image with a text field. All the examples, in turn, have a different structure: short stories, short dialogues, humorous questions and maxims. The jokes belonging to the second group (30% of the material) are creolized humorous texts, among which there are demotivators, memes, advice, comics, chats.
Key words and phrases: интернет-пространство, медиатекст, креолизованный текст, юмористический медиадискурс, анекдот о женщине, Internet space, media text, creolized text, humorous media discourse, joke about a woman
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