Frame-based representation of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept in the English-language discursive practice
Yudina Natalya Vladimirovna, Kalugina Olga Anatolevna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 19.03.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the content minimum of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept in the English-language discursive practice. The paper considers the theoretical and methodological approaches of scientists to the frame-based representation of the concept in scientific literature; identifies and presents a graphical and content minimum of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept; proposes a thematic categorisation of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept. The scientific novelty of the work is expressed in the fact that the application of theoretical and methodological approaches to the frame-based representation of the concept made it possible to determine the subframe and slots of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept and highlight the thematic categories of the concept. As a result of the study, the subframe and slots of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept, including the lexical units and phrases “digital technology”, “internet”, “information and communication technology”, “data”, have been identified; 15 thematic categories of the DIGITAL ECONOMY concept have been outlined; the largest thematic categories, such as “Artificial Intelligence”, “Technology” and “Digital Money and Transactions”, have been determined. The identification of these components will contribute to the objectification of the linguistic world image in the English-language discursive practice.
Key words and phrases: концепт ЦИФРОВАЯ ЭКОНОМИКА, фреймовая репрезентация, тематическая категоризация, содержательный минимум, дискурсивная практика, DIGITAL ECONOMY concept, frame-based representation, thematic categorisation, content minimum, discursive practice
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