Educational migrant discourse in Russia: Trends, communication strategies, social risks
Lysova Olga Vasilievna, Abdullina Amina Shakiryanovna, Lysov Oleg Igorevich
Birsk Branch of the Ufa University of Science and Technology
Submitted: 29.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarities of communicative strategies in the texts of educational migrant discourse devoted to the teaching of migrant children in Russian schools. The scientific novelty of the study lies in gathering the relevant cultural information about the attitude to the issues of the educational migration of different social groups of Russian society based on the analysis of oral and written texts, including the materials obtained as a part of an associative experiment, for subsequent modelling of the system of value representations regarding this phenomenon in modern reality. The paper identifies the peculiarities of the texts devoted to the issues of teaching migrant children in the Russian scientific and periodical press and electronic mass media (teachers’ and parents’ blogs). As a result of analysing the texts devoted to the issues of migrant education in the Russian Federation, the communicative strategies of educational migrant discourse, which are marked by intolerance, migrantophobia and the predominance of erethism, have been identified. Considering the associative field “Migrant children”, the authors have found a high frequency of the respondents’ negative reactions to the stimulus word “migrant children”. Thus, the data obtained confirm that the relations between the participants of the educational process (educational migrants and Russian citizens) are characterised by social tension and conflict potential, making it difficult for migrant children to adapt and integrate into Russian schools.
Key words and phrases: образовательный мигрантский дискурс, интолерантные и толерантные тексты, мигрантофобия, концепт ДЕТИ-МИГРАНТЫ, ассоциативное поле, educational migrant discourse, intolerant and tolerant texts, migrantophobia, MIGRANT CHILDREN concept, associative field
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