Internet meme as a tool for expressing public opinion of Germans in relation to vaccination against Covid-19 in Germany
Akkuratova Irina Borisovna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 28.03.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the cognitive mechanisms of the emotional impact of Internet memes of the thematic group “Vaccination against Covid-19” in German society. The study is novel in that it represents the first attempt to analyse the Internet memes of the German community in order to determine the attitude of German citizens to such a socially significant event as vaccination against Covid-19. It is found that the topic under consideration is the basis for attracting the attention of the Internet community due to the contradictions existing in society. It is shown that the authors of the Internet messages focus on the negative manifestations of the vaccination process: refusal to vaccinate, criticism of government measures, mistrust of the vaccine. The effect of various pragmatically loaded precedent phenomena is considered. The necessity of referring to the historical, cultural and social experience of the nation for decoding the meanings in the considered Internet memes is shown. As a result, the study has proved that the attitude of German citizens to vaccination against Covid-19 is extremely negative. For the purpose of emotional impact, terrible fragments from the history of the Third Reich are involved in the Internet messages.
Key words and phrases: интернет-мем, прецедентный феномен, картина мира, эмоциональное воздействие, Internet meme, precedent phenomenon, worldview, emotional impact
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