Predicative conjugation of non-verbs in the central dialect of the Moksha language
Ivanova Galina Sofronovna, Butylov Nikolay Vasilievich, Saigutina Kristina Ivanovna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Russian University of Economics named after G. V. Plehanov
Submitted: 09.02.2023
Abstract. The work aims to identify the peculiarities in the predicative conjugation of non-verbal parts of speech in the central dialect. Attention is paid to the nominal parts of speech, as well as postpositions and negative particles that are involved in the conjugation of the negative form of the verb. This work is a continuation of the existing research in the field of inflection in the dialects of the Moksha language. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the conjugation of non-verbs in the Moksha language has not been fully studied and this work is the first to consider it in the central dialect. As a result of analysing the dialect material, the following has been revealed: in the central dialect, non-verbal parts of speech, i.e. nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, even postpositions and some particles, can take predicative affixes expressing the person, number and time of the action, changing in three persons (1st, 2nd, 3rd), two numbers (singular and plural) and two tenses (present and past). Predicative affixes are added both to the word stem itself and to possessive affixes, as well as case formants of the inessive, comparative and abessive. According to the law of vowel harmony, most affixes appear in two versions.
Key words and phrases: мокша-мордовский язык, диалект, неглагол, спряжение, предикативный аффикс, Moksha language, dialect, non-verb, conjugation, predicative affix
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