Representation of the “failed initiation” in postmodern literature in the novel “Brazil” by J. Updike
Shalimova Nadezhda Sergeevna, Mogish Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
Moscow City University
Submitted: 26.03.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarity of the postmodern initiation novel in the national literary tradition of the US. The paper examines the representation of initiation rites in a literary text with an accent on the transformations that can be seen in the novel “Brazil” by J. Updike referring to the myth of Tristan and Isolde and its realisation in the modern worldview. The authors highlight the world outlook strategies, architectonics, mythopoetic reconstruction of the initiation rite in modern US literature. The paper makes a theoretical contribution to the genre investigation: the analysis of the technique of “negative reception” of initiation, presented for the first time, makes it possible to see the specifics of initiation plot representation in postmodern discourse, which determines the scientific novelty of the study. A transformation of the legend of Tristan and Isolde is represented in J. Updike’s work. The novel takes place in the XX-century Brazil, the initiation of the characters involves going from one place to another, discovering the mysteries of the sacred and death, fantastic elements are included in the narrative. The authors conclude that a variant of the “failed initiation” is presented in the novel “Brazil”, since the main male character is unable to cope with the challenges that he faces on his journey. As a result, it has been proved that the theme of initiation, the outcome of which may be negative, is of crucial importance in J. Updike’s novel.
Key words and phrases: роман инициации, минус-прием, постмодернизм, миф о Тристане и Изольде, initiation novel, negative reception, postmodernism, myth of Tristan and Isolde
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