Studying the Conceptual Sphere of the Russian Language through the Search for a Universal Basis for Its Formation
Suvorova Elena Vladimirovna, Romanova Yuliya Gennadyevna, Mikhailov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Submitted: 10.01.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to search for a universal basis for the formation and development of the conceptual sphere of the Russian language through the study of dictionaries of cultural concepts. Currently, there are several dictionaries that provide insight into the peculiarities of the Russian worldview through key concepts, however, the basis of the taxonomies they offer is different. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the search for a common basis that makes it possible to combine the taxonomies of concepts under consideration and determine the main ways to expand the common basis, including through a philosophical understanding of how reality reflected by consciousness is interpreted through these cultural concepts. As a result of the search for a universal basis for the formation and development of the conceptual sphere of the Russian language, four areas that serve as sources for the formation of the conceptual sphere have been identified: the noosphere, the psychosphere, the biosphere and the sociosphere. Their knowledge leads to the dynamic development of the conceptual sphere, the emergence of new concepts and changes in the existing ones. The cross of reality, according to which reality reflected in the conceptual sphere is interpreted in the direction of the past, future, internal and external, has been proposed as an internal coordinate system for the formation of the conceptual sphere.
Key words and phrases: концептосфера, концепт, аффективно-перцептивно-когнитивный конструкт, крест реальности, культурный код, conceptual sphere, concept, affective-perceptual-cognitive construct, cross of reality, cultural code
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