Images of Specific Realities as a Means of Representing the Concept (by the Example of the Concept КРУГ (CIRCLE) in the Russian Linguistic World View)
Reznikova Ekaterina Valerjevna
Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev
Submitted: 04.02.2023
Abstract. The article considers the problem of concept verbalization means, in particular, the role of specific representatives in the embodiment of conceptual meanings. The aim of the study is to prove the validity of specific representatives’ integration in the concept verbalization means, the semantics of which obviously goes beyond the conceptual field. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the clarification of the range of concept verbalization means, which significantly enriches the research field, allows you to more fully identify the composition of conceptual meanings, correctly arrange the semantic structure of the concept, and determine inter-figurative connections. The results of the scientific research have shown that the images of specific realities are capable of conveying any conceptual meanings, both dominant and private, enter into synonymous relations both with special means of designating form and trajectory, and with each other, realizing the principle of regular polysemy in metaphor. The semantic potential of images of a low abstraction degree is narrowed due to the concretization of certain aspects of the embodied reality, but this is satisfied by unlimited lexical variation, which makes it possible to attribute to the concept any images associated with it.
Key words and phrases: концепт, вербализация, репрезентант, концептуальный смысл, регулярная многозначность, круг, concept, verbalization, representative, conceptual meaning, regular polysemy, circle
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