Constructive and Destructive Strategies and Tactics of Protestant Discourse
Balakin Sergey Vladimirovich, Moskvina Yuliya Alexandrovna
Ural State University of Railway Transport
Submitted: 03.02.2023
Abstract. The purpose of the research paper is to find out the linguistic means of expressing communicative strategies and tactics of protestant discourse. The communicative strategy is defined as speech behavior focus to achieve speaker's goals and the communicative tactic is determined as a specific way of realizing the chosen strategy. The main strategies of protestant communication such as self-presentation, alienation, manipulation and convention are described. The typical tactics of constructive communication are advice, cooperation and integration and the representative tactics of destructive communication are the tactics of threat, guilt denial, offense, accusation and distancing. The characteristic of communicative strategies and tactics realized in multi-genre nonritual texts of protestant discourse on the material of the Russian language constitutes the scientific novelty of this work. The other types of institutional discourse were the object of previous researches. As a result, the typical range of means for expressing constructive and destructive tactics of communicative impact in protestant discourse are revealed.
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