System of discursive concepts of Taiwanese reality. Creating a short glossary
Kurdyumov Vladimir Anatolievich
Moscow City University
Submitted: 03.11.2023
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to present a model for understanding foreign language (Taiwan Guoyu) discursive reality, aimed at Russian sinologists and, more widely, native speakers of the Russian language, based on a potentially expandable glossary (minimal at this stage) of basic concepts (topics of communication). Scientific novelty: for the first time, a minimum set of communication concepts of the linguistic environment of Taiwan was substantiated and formed (as a short glossary, explanatory dictionary). The previous studies described only “general” Chinese realities and values supposed to be transferred by default to the Chinese world as a whole. A comparative analysis and description of concepts with a focus on decomposition into denotative, significative and connotative components was carried out for the first time. As a result, the specificity of the basic discursive concepts of Taiwanese reality has been identified, including differences from synonymous/homonymous concepts in Russian and/or Mainland discursive reality, a list of concepts with interpretations has been proposed, and the prerequisites have been created for further study and the formation of a new direction in explorations.
Key words and phrases: дискурсивные понятия, дискурс, Тайвань, гоюй, китайский мир, discursive concepts, discourse, Taiwan, Guoyu, Chinese world
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