Ways of implicit expression of the emotion of discontent and the speech act of accusation in the English-language advertising discourse in the context of brand confrontation
Shuyskaya Yuliya Viktorovna, Drozdova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Moscow University named after A. S. Griboedov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba
Submitted: 09.11.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify references to discourse implicature through culturally loaded texts and mythonyms in the context of an “advertising war”. Commercials for electric vehicles and accessories for traditional cars were selected as the research material. The commercials for the latter implicitly contain the idea of criticizing electric vehicles. BMW and Mobil 1 commercials in English were chosen due to the great interest of the audience in the very fact of their appearance: the videos were widely announced and discussed, being a newsworthy event in themselves. The authors of both videos address the general apperceptive base of a potential consumer using mythonyms, references to archetypes embodied in cinema, as well as the lyrics of famous songs. The scientific novelty of the research is accounted for by studying discourse implicature and the means of its expression in the context of an “advertising war”, as well as by carrying out a detailed analysis of implicit meanings transmitted through cultural stereotypes. As a result of the research, it was found that high-quality advertising of our time is increasingly moving away from direct exhortations to buy a product to implicit influence that is understandable to the target audience and arouses interest in the context of the confrontation between brands and types of goods.
Key words and phrases: импликатура, рекламный дискурс, эмоция возмущения, мифонимы, прецедентные тексты, implicature, advertising discourse, emotion of indignation, mythonyms, precedent texts
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