Substandard as a marker of communicative intention in Francophone Internet discourse
Ageeva Anastasia Vladimirovna
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Submitted: 22.10.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to establish correlations between the communicative intention of an Internet statement and its semantics of substandard lexical units. The article examines the influence of semantic characteristics of slang in the comments of users within the French-speaking segment of the Internet on the pragmatics of the text. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the first-time description and systematization of moments of convergence between the semantic parameters of slang units and the intentional characteristics of a speech production published on the Internet, based on the French language. As a result of the study, it was established that the most relevant communicative intentions activating substandard vocabulary include criticism, sarcasm, analysis, approval, and anger. Furthermore, it was found that each category of comments is dominated by its own type of substandard vocabulary, characterized by specific semantic features: emotional-evaluative and stylistically-attributed components.
Key words and phrases: французский язык, интернет-комментарий, субстандарт, сленг, коммуникативная интенция, French language, internet comment, substandard, slang, communicative intention
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