Special aspects of representation of the MIND concept in C. Wilson’s novel “The Mind Parasites”
Petrova Ekaterina Evgenievna, Solntseva Elena Sergeevna
St. Petersburg State University
Submitted: 07.10.2023
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify the individual author’s features of the linguistic representation and semantic content of the MIND concept in the science fiction novel “The Mind Parasites” by the British writer C. Wilson. The scientific originality lies in the fact that the MIND concept in this work has become the subject of a special study for the first time, which made it possible to identify its content structure and ways of representation. Based on conceptual, descriptive-analytical methods and quantitative analysis, the main semantic features of the artistic concept under study and the means of its verbalization are being identified; the types of metaphors characteristic of C. Wilson’s texts representing the figurative layer of the concept are being highlighted. As a result of the research, it was found that the artistic concept of MIND differs significantly from the corresponding linguistic one, which is connected with the main idea of the novel about the limitless possibilities of the human mind. The concept under study is most often verbalized through multi-component individual-author figurative constructions – phrases, syntagmas, sentences and superphrasal unities containing metaphors and figurative comparisons.
Key words and phrases: художественный концепт, художественный текст, репрезентация, метафора, многокомпонентная индивидуально-авторская образная конструкция, artistic concept, literary text, representation, metaphor, multi-component individual-author figurative construction
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