Methods of formation of paired terms in the Kumyk language
Abdullabekova Umsalimat Bagautdinovna
Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 24.03.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of paired terms in the Kumyk language. The author grouped paired terms according to the method of formation of the analysed terms. The paper demonstrates the attribution of the terms under consideration to a specific thematic group. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the characteristics of paired terms in the Kumyk language. In the Kumyk language, a paired term cannot acquire expressive or stylistic connotations like commonly used paired words, due to its properties of exactness and neutrality. As a result, six types of paired terms were identified based on their formation method; the ways of translating the components of borrowed and calqued relative adjectives were described. In addition, the changes in terminological units borrowed from Russian were shown. In the Kumyk language, calquing and borrowing from the Russian language are most prevalent in the socio-political sphere. Paired terms in the Kumyk language are direct translations of Russian terminological concepts.
Key words and phrases: парный термин, кумыкский язык, терминология тюркских языков, образование терминов, перевод терминов, paired term, Kumyk language, terminology of Turkic languages, term formation, term translation
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