Structure of English polycomponent attributive phrases as a means of organizing the online advertising of women’s clothing
Zinchenko Natalia Sergeyevna, Laenko Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovie
Voronezh State University
Submitted: 21.08.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the structural organization of English polycomponent attributive phrases when describing women’s clothing items in English-language consumer online advertising. The study is based on the material selected from British and American websites advertising the sale of women’s clothing. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the features of the structural organization of English polycomponent attributive phrases describing clothing in advertising texts on the websites of leading brands. The paper provides a general characteristic of polycomponent attributive phrases describing the features of items of women’s clothing in the creolized English-language texts of online advertising. The researchers then carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the location of these features in the verbal components of advertising texts. The results of the study showed that the arrangement of words indicating the features of an object in these phrases is accompanied by a “violation” of the sequence proposed by the rules of English grammar. Such “violations” are created to bring to the fore the words that most clearly characterize certain features of the advertised clothing.
Key words and phrases: структурная организация рекламного текста женской одежды, последовательность слов со значением признака предмета в интернет-рекламе одежды, креолизованный текст, структурный анализ английских поликомпонентных атрибутивных словосочетаний, structural organization of the advertising text of women’s clothing, sequence of words with the meaning of the item’s attribute in the online advertising of clothing, creolized text, structural analysis of English polycomponent attributive phrases
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