The role of compositional-thematic lines and the features of their speech representation in the autobiographical narrative
Lisova Olesya Olegovna
Saint Petersburg State University
Submitted: 22.08.2023
Abstract. The study aims to present a typology of compositional-thematic lines in the autobiographical narrative (using the documentary story “Russian Hieroglyph. The Life Story of Inna Li, Told by Herself” by A. N. Arkhangelsky as an example). The scientific novelty of the study lies in describing the role of linguistic means (in particular, the historical present, one-part and two-part sentences, parenthesis constructions and parenthetic words) involved in the formation of compositional-thematic lines; as well as in selecting material that has not previously been the object of scholarly elaboration. As a result of the study, three compositional-thematic lines were identified: personal, family-related and socio-historical. The work of psychologists in the field of autobiographical memory, as well as research on the structure of the narrative serve as the basis for the identification of such lines. The results showed a pattern in the choice of syntactic means when describing events as close as possible to personal ones, family life events, as well as events related to the background narrative.
Key words and phrases: автобиографический нарратив, автобиографическая память, анализ композиции, тематические линии, односоставные предложения, autobiographical narrative, autobiographical memory, composition analysis, thematic lines, one-part sentences
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