Nonverbal Code Markers as Components of the Discursive Informative Code (by the Material of “The New York Times” Newspaper)
Ogneva Elena Anatolievna, Trofimova Natalia Alekseevna
Belgorod State National Research University
Submitted: 18.12.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify trends in the gender specificity of the functioning and frequency of nonverbal code markers as speech nominations of information received during nonverbal communication and reflected in the informative code of journalistic discourse. Scientific novelty of the study is accounted for by the fact that 1) it is the first time that an approach to the interpretation of the architectonics of journalistic discourse as a format that includes the discursive informative code, which is a unity of lexico-grammatical and syntactic constructions reflecting objects, subjects and processes of the real world, has been proposed; 2) the gender specificity of the functioning and frequency of nonverbal code markers in journalistic discourse has been identified; 3) the phenomenon of contextual interlinking of various nonverbal code markers has been characterised. As a result, it has been proved that the frequency and mode of functioning of nonverbal code markers in journalistic discourse are gender-specific and gender-predetermined. The development and implementation of a new approach to the interpretation of journalistic discourse as a research construct that includes the discursive informative code have contributed to the theoretical and methodological background of modern discourse studies.
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