Identifying Intensional Meanings Realised in a Scientific Text at the Level of Mental Performatives and Assertive Speech Acts
Gilovaya Elena Anatolyevna, Ganina Elena Viktorovna, Aleshina Larisa Nikolaevna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 15.11.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to identify intensional meanings realised in a scientific text at the level of mental performatives and assertive speech acts and to determine the theoretical significance of the notion of “intensionality”. Scientific novelty of the research lies in developing an algorithm for identifying intensional meanings in a scientific text, as well as in studying the implementation of intensional meanings at the level of mental performatives and assertive speech acts. As a result, it has been proved that in a scientific text, the intensional meaning is expressed via utterances with mental performatives in which an intellectual impact on reality is realised. In addition, the intensional meaning is expressed in the illocutionary power of assertive speech acts (in a message, statement or when informing the addressee of the utterance). In addition to the illocutionary power of assertive speech acts, their intensionality is realised in the epistemic modality of assertive speech acts, which conveys the author’s knowledge, faith or trust in what is reported in the scientific text. As a result, it has been proved that the expression of intensional meanings depends on the study of the meaning of linguistic units in various aspects, in which the role of the speaker occupies the central place.
Key words and phrases: интенсиональность, ментальные перформативы, ассертивные речевые акты, эпистемическая модальность, научный текст, intensionality, mental performatives, assertive speech acts, epistemic modality, scientific text
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