Euphemisation of English-Language Gastronomic Discourse
Vildanova Guzel Agzamovna, Bertuol Natalia Matilde
Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov
Submitted: 08.12.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to determine the specifics of euphemisation in contemporary English-language gastronomic discourse. Scientific novelty of the research lies in studying the insufficiently explored euphemisation sphere and revealing the current trends in gastronomic linguistic culture. The authors ana-lyse such motives for the euphemistic renaming of gluttonyms as taboos, political ideology, political cor-rectness and the concept of ecological awareness. The research findings have shown that euphemisation due to social, religious or cultural taboos is a permanently relevant incentive for gastronomic neologisms creation. The practice of the political renaming of English-language gluttonyms reflects the latest changes in political views and is explored in terms of cancel culture. It has been found that euphemisation within the framework of political correctness dictates a variety of restrictions, from replacing discriminatory racist and sexist nominations to banning products recognised as environmentally unfriendly, unhealthy, inhumane to animals and contributing to climate change.
Key words and phrases: эвфемизация, гастрономический дискурс, политическая корректность, табу, экологическая осознанность, euphemisation, gastronomic discourse, political correctness, taboo, ecological awareness
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