Synonymic Substitution as a Specific Mechanism of Argotic Word-Making: Features of Terminological Nomination (by the Material of the French Language)
Konygina Ekaterina Alekseevna, Kozelskaya Elena Anatolievna, Retinskaya Tatiana Ivanovna
Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev
Submitted: 25.11.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to obtain comparative data on “synonymic substitution” as a means of forming the non-conventional lexical stock in diachrony and synchrony for the systematisation of terminological designation units that explicate the nature of argotic word-making. The paper discusses synonymic clusters of non-conventional vocabulary, presents the classification of argotic synonyms according to the degree of their semantic proximity, provides statistical data on the use of synonyms of argot in literary texts. The features of the functioning of this mechanism for creating passwords are considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the classification of lexemes formed by metaphorics and recorded when analysing rare synonymic pairs and expanded synonymic series. Argotographic publications and literary texts in French served as the material for a comparative analysis of terms. Scientific novelty of the work is accounted for by the fact that a comparison of terms for the specified word-formation technique has not been recorded before. It is the first time that a comparison of three notions different in nomination, but identical in designation is given. The results are inventoried methods of synonymic derivation.
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