Deviations from Literary Language Norms in the Speech of the Crimean Tatar Youth
Koroglu Lenura Ablyamitovna
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov
Submitted: 24.11.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify deviations from literary language norms in the speech of the Crimean Tatar youth. The paper sheds light on the processes leading to the appearance of orthoepic, accentological, lexical and grammatical errors. It is noted that the main reason for most deviations is the ignorance of the native language by young people. Deviations from literary language norms can be the result of simplification or the influence of speech fashion. The author concludes that the frequency of speech errors suggests that some of them should be considered the norm of oral speech of the Crimean Tatar youth. The work is novel in that it is the first to describe in a comprehensive manner the main speech errors of the Crimean Tatar youth and analyse the language levels susceptible to changes. As a result of the analysis, the oral speech of young people is characterised as simple, poor, formulaic, with a large number of deviations from the phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical norms of the modern Crimean Tatar literary language.
Key words and phrases: крымскотатарский язык, молодежный язык, речевые ошибки, отклонения от нормы, нормы языка, Crimean Tatar language, youth language, speech errors, deviations from the norm, language norms
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