Semantic and Stylistic Features of K. L. Khetagurov’s Poem “Who Lives Merrily...”
Tsarikaeva Fatima Ahsarbekovna, Hadasheva Sabira Ayubovna
North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov
Submitted: 06.12.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the originality and distinctness of K. L. Khetagurov’s individual style, which contributes to the creation of extraordinarily vivid images and characters described in the poem, the ability to show atypical personalities of the characters in atypical circumstances. The paper is novel in that the author’s Russian-language work under consideration has not previously been the subject of research and has been analysed in the semantic and stylistic aspect for the first time. As a result of analysing the language and style of the work, it has been found that the vocabulary of the poem is extremely diverse and is characterised not only by the use of phraseological units and comparative constructions, but also by elements of various functional and stylistic layers of the Russian language vocabulary (from specialised to colloquial), which in a certain contextual situation receive various additional shades of meaning. This allows the author to bring some groups of words on which he needs to concentrate the reader’s attention in this situation to the foreground of the narrative and move other groups to the periphery of the content, which contributes to the creation of the figurative character of the described action, as well as a vivid satirical effect.
Key words and phrases: языковые средства, словарный состав, эмоционально-окрашенная лексика, семантика, стили речи, linguistic means, vocabulary, emotionally-charged vocabulary, semantics, speech styles
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