Possible Worlds in the Semantic Space of the Advertising Tourist Narrative
Men’shikova Ekaterina Evgen’evna
Baikal State University
Submitted: 14.12.2022
Abstract. The aim of the research is to determine the features of representation of possible worlds in the advertising tourist narrative. The work is novel in that it is the first to provide a description of the semantics of possible worlds in the texts of the advertising tourist narrative. The research findings have shown that the semantic space of the advertising tourist narrative actualises the opposition of the real and the probable (possible). During the analysis of the practical material, it has been found that the advertising tourist narrative explicates epistemically possible worlds (as possible directions of events development) and axiologically possible worlds (the axiological world of desires and the axiological world of recommendations). The author identifies linguistic means that realise the semantic features of possible worlds, as well as lexical pragmatic markers: epistemic (markers of both temporal and axiological positioning), axiological (value attitude to reality) and emotive (emotive background of the representation of possible worlds), which position objects of possible worlds in their temporal and local aspects. It is substantiated that the advertising tourist narrative represents epistemically and axiologically possible worlds, the semantic features of which have syncretic semantics.
Key words and phrases: рекламный туристический нарратив, возможный мир, эпистемически возможные миры, аксиологически возможные миры, лексические прагматические маркеры, advertising tourist narrative, possible world, epistemically possible worlds, axiologically possible worlds, lexical pragmatic markers
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