Representation of a Metacommunicative Imperative Situation by an Illocutionary Verb with Negation
Babushkina Mariya Aleksandrovna
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Submitted: 12.12.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine which metacommunicative imperative utterances with an illocutionary verb with negation can be used to present a metacommunicative imperative situation. The paper focuses on metacommunicative imperative utterances in which illocutionary verbs in the negative form play a special role. At the same time, it does not matter whether the specificity of performativity is preserved in the implementation of a speech action, it is only the negation of one type of influence that is carried out by verbs nominating the intention that is important. The study is novel in that it is the first to consider and describe the representation of the use of illocutionary verbs with negation in various types of metacommunicative imperative situations: directive, commissive and preventive. No one has previously conducted such a study. As a result, the author has determined that initiating utterances containing a combination of a verb of speech action with negation in most cases can be attributed to implicit metacommunicative imperative utterances that actualise the goal of the correct perception of the speaker’s intention by the addressee. In addition, it has been found that there are no utterances with the negation of preventive speech actions: warnings and cautions.
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