Value Concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ in the English and Russian Linguistic Cultures (by the Material of Modern Media Texts)
Abdulkadyrova Asiyat Bagautdinovna
Dagestan State University
Submitted: 29.07.2022
Abstract. The aim of the study is a contrast-comparative analysis of the concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ in the English and Russian linguistic cultures, which allows us to identify the similarities and ethno-specific features of this phenomenon, representing the mentality and culture of the studied societies. The scientific novelty of this work is substantiated by the fact that the concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ has not been previously studied as a spiritual value of modern society on the basis of media texts with its subsequent comparison in the studied linguocultures. The paper presents the results of a contrast-comparative analysis of the field structures of the concept LOYALTY/ПРЕДАННОСТЬ, highlights its common and distinctive components in the English and Russian linguistic worldview.
Key words and phrases: концепт, полевая структура концепта, когнитивный признак, медийный текст, concept, field structure of the concept, cognitive feature, media text
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