General Patterns of Linguocognitive Representation of the Conceptual Opposition of the HUMAN SHIELD Concept (by the Example of the US - THEM Dichotomy
Zdanovskaya Lidiya Borisovna
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin
Submitted: 16.08.2022
Abstract. The study aims to shed light on the specifics of the conceptual opposition of the HUMAN SHIELD concept realised on the basis of the US - THEM dichotomy. The author analyses linguocognitive representation of the concept in Russian and English linguocultures. Scientific novelty of the study lies in defining the HUMAN SHIELD concept as an oppositive components-concept demonstrating the structured specifici-ty of opposition. As a result of the study, a level (explicit-implicit) representation of opposition has been determined; the distinctive features of subjects in the US - THEM opposition regulating their categorical fixing have been identified; an evaluation model of opposition subjects has been given.
Key words and phrases: оппозитивный концепт, структура оппозитивности, субъект оппозиции, эксплицитность, имплицитность, oppositive concept, opposition structure, opposition subject, explicitness, implicitness
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